The Malta Athletic Association is truly one of a kind organization working for their community to provide safe athletic opportunities and fields to call home.
The Malta Athletic Association was created as the last step of the mission statement given to the Malta Field Development Committee. The committee was appointed by the Malta Town Board and tasked to evaluate the town’s needs for new athletic fields and provide a recommendation to the board of their findings. Upon completion of the appointed task the new MAA was formed and is a first of its kind not-for-profit organization.
The MAA is comprised of two classifications of membership; Organization Member and Affiliate Member. To be an Organization Member, the Organization must apply to the Board of Directors and pay an incorporation fee established by the Board of Directors. Each Organization Member has the responsibility to provide two individuals to serve as Board members. Organizational Members are entities that provide recreational services to children or residents of the Town of Malta or the surrounding communities and have a minimum of two Malta residents as voting members in their organization.